Dormancy Period: The total lifespan of a Demodex mite is several weeks, with skin diseases evolving over days or months.
Demodex canis lives on the domestic dog, can become mange, and are easily transferred from them. Demodicosis is most often seen in folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles of the skin). It may result in small pustules (pimples) at the base of a hair shaft on inflamed, congested skin. Demodicosis may also cause itching, swelling, and erythema of the eyelid margins. Scales at the base of the eyelashes may develop. Typically, patients complain of eyestrain. Older people are much more likely to carry face mites; about a third of children and young adults, half of adults, and two-thirds of elderly people carry them. The lower rate in children may be because children produce less sebum, or simply have had less time to acquire the mite. The six-legged larvae hatch after 3–4 days, and the larvae develop into adults in about 7 days. The total lifespan of a Demodex mite is several weeks.
Demodex mites are involved in psoriasis, allergic rhinitis, and seborrheic dermatitis in immuno-suppressed individuals. a correlation between Demodex infestation and acne vulgaris exists, suggesting it may play a role in promoting acne, including in immunocompetent infants displaying pityriasis and erythema toxicum neonatorum. Studies suggest an association between mite infestation and rosacea.

Therapure Remedies: For skin only: Neem Soap with scrub glove, Vita Bath with CP SO, CP BVC, CP C, CP PAR-D. CP PAR-M, CP PIN, CP PRS, CP SPQ, CP 1-5, Steamer Therapy with CP B or R Tinctures. Therapure Bug Juice. Extractor tool.
Jamu Jo: JJ 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15.
IV Therapy: Glutathione, DMSO, CP ID, CP IN, CP IZ, CP IS, Lysine, Magnesium, NAC, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin D, Zinc.
Conventional Therapies for Skin: Doxycycline, erythromycin, ivermectin, azithromycin. Deeply clean affected clothing, bed and other areas with bleach, in hot water with hot dry.