Lung Fluke
Dormancy Period: Infections can persist for 20 years or more, with few obvious symptoms, while related diseases progress.
About 22 million people are estimated to be affected yearly worldwide. It is particularly common in East Asia. Paragonimiasis is easily mistaken for other diseases with which it shares clinical symptoms, such as tuberculosis and lung cancer. As hermaphrodites, they produce and fertilise their own eggs that are released through the respiratory tract. The eggs are excreted to the environment either through the sputum or by being swallowed and passed out along with the faeces. Time from infection to laying of eggs is 65 to 90 days. Infections may persist for 20 years in humans.
Paragonimiasis causes pneumonia with characteristic symptoms including prolonged cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, and hemoptysis.Owing to the diverse symptoms it presents, the disease is variously known as endemic haemoptysis, oriental lung fluke infection, pulmonary distomiasis, parasitical haemoptysis, and parasitare haemopte. Pulmonary paragonimiasis is the most common clinical manifestation, accounting for 76–90% of all infections. It has the classic symptoms of pneumonia. Extra-pulmonary infection is due to migration of the young worms away from the normal route to the lungs. In such case, any other part of the body can be infected. Cutaneous paragonimiasis is common in children and is generally indicated by skin nodules that move from one place to another. Cerebral paragonimias is most severe extra-pulmonary symptoms that affect the brain and leads to seizure, headache, visual disturbance, and motor and sensory disturbances.

Therapure Remedies: CP PAR-D, CP PAR-M, CP W, CP 1-5, CP BVC, Neem Soap.
Jamu Jo: JJ 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15.
IV Therapy: Glutathione, DMSO, CP ID, CP IN, CP IZ, CP IS, Lysine, Magnesium, NAC, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin D, Zinc.
Conventional Remedies: praziquantel, bithionol, ivermectin, pirantel pamoat, mebendazole