/ Poikilocyte / Teardrop
Strongly indicative of a “packed marrow”. May be the result of fibrosis (primary or secondary) or neoplasm (carcinoma or hematological neoplasm). May also arise where there is sustained or severe physiological increase in blood cell production (e.g. the expanded erythroid response to thalassemia). Less frequent tear drop forms may arise in other systemic disease. Ignore in fast-moving blood (vital force).
Intrinsic bone marrow disease
- Primary myelofibrosis
- Secondary marrow fibrosis (including carcinoma and TB; rarely congenital conditions)
- Hematological malignancy – abnormal white cells will generally be present.
- Packed or extra-medullary red cell formation
- Predominantly thalassemia, but also may occur in a range of hemoglobinopathies
- Particular dyserythropoietic disease states
- Megaloblastic anemia and myelodysplasia