Vita Brain

Nootropics IV Drip Infusion

Vita Brain IV Infusion is an effective alternative brain-enhancing, nerve-building, memory-boosting Nootropics infusion. We add Piracetam, and Carnitine which cause the brain and nervous system to uptake more glucose and oxygen. This unbeatable combination has proven beneficial for improving memory, speeding thought process, lessening the effects of brain aging diseases, improving vitality and energy.

Piracetam more specifically facilitates learning and memory, particularly to prevent the cognitive deficits associated with dementia. Piracetam is given to students and executives desiring increased memory and mental power. Seniors with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s greatly benefit from increased oxygen and glucose uptake provided by these infusions.

The most impressive benefits of L-carnitine include improved heart health, brain function, more rapid body building, and desired weight loss, among others. It helps transport fatty acids to mitochondria where they are subsequently converted into energy. L-carnitine is synthesized in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine. It’s this amino acid that fuels energy production in cells and supports nerve function.

1-3 grams of vitamin C, when taken via IV, causes the body to produce glutathione and collagen, the necessary building blocks of skin, bones, tendons and most importantly the nervous system. The body loses the ability to produce these at about 1-2% per year of age. Vitamin C stimulates the body to once again produce glutathione and collagen, while greatly increasing the effects of all other Vita Brain ingredients. Effects are subtle but immediately noticeable.

Rp. 1.109.000

1 gram / 1000 mg of Vitamin C

Rp. 1.144.000

3 grams / 3000 mg of Vitamin C

Infusion Ingredients

  • Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C, 1-3 grams / 1,000 – 3,000 mg
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12
  • Piracetam (Doctor prescription required, included) nootropics brain and nervous system enhancer (increases uptake of oxygen and glucose to the brain and nerves)
  • L-Carnitine (Doctor prescription required, included) (also a nootropic, an energy + nervous system enhancer)
  • Ringer’s Lactate infusion medium (4 electrolytes salts)

Oral Supplements

  • Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C (increases the effect of the infusion)
  • Compound M2 (72+ types of colloidal trace minerals)
  • Compound NBH Nootropics Brain Health

This infusion is designed for low-grade ailments only. If suffering from a more serious or longer-term illness or discomfort, may we suggest you consider The BSI Signature Holistic Health Reset & Detox. Direct intervention, with deep analysis by BSI medical professionals, may prove the better, long-term solution. If suffering from long-term kidney or urinary tract infection, please consult your doctor or BSI staff before proceeding with this therapy.

On very rare occasion, some people, when first receiving intravenous infusions, have experienced the so-called Herxheimer Effect, a result of infusions very efficiently neutralizing pathogens and occasionally stimulating immunities too fast for the body to dispose toxins through normal elimination channels. This forces the body to utilize the secondary eliminative organs: lungs, sinuses, skin, and more. Experiences that may feel like a slight cold or the flu, loose bowels, shivers, etc. The skin may eliminate stored toxins, perhaps producing minor, temporary skin eruptions – all part of elimination of toxins that cause premature aging and skin problems, and are considered beneficial reactions, in that the immune system has been activated, and is working to heal from pathogens and toxins.

Not-For-Profit BSI International Clinics. We’re on your side, here to help.

Dormancy period

Sample: feces

Dormancy period

Sample: serum / plasma / whole blood

Dormancy period

Dengue fever is an illness you can get from the bite of a mosquito carrying one of four types of Dengue. Dengue isn’t contagious from person to person except when passed from a pregnant person to their child. Symptoms are usually mild with first infection, but repeated infections with a different version of dengue, the risk of severe complications increases. Dengue fever symptoms start to appear four to 10 days after a mosquito bite and can last three to seven days. About 1 in 20 people sick with dengue will develop severe dengue after their initial symptoms begin to fade. Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen. Some people remain asymptomatic but can still carry the parasite.

Moderate to high prevalence in Bali and Indonesia

Sample: Blood

Dormancy period

Cholera is a severe infection of the small intestine by some strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated food or water. It takes between 12 hours and 5 days for a person to show symptoms. Cholera can cause very bad diarrhea and dehydration that can kill within hours if left untreated. Raw fish and foods area common source of this disease. Most of those infected have no or mild symptoms.

Minor prevalence in Bali and Indonesia

Sample: Feces from anal swab / cotton bud

Dormancy period

Chikungunya is a disease transmitted to humans by mosquitoes in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. You can’t get it from another person, but mosquitoes do get it from biting a person who is infected. Most people don’t die from it. Chikungunya fever typically lasts from five to seven days and frequently causes severe and often incapacitating joint pain which sometimes persists for much longer periods. There is no modern medicine treatment however traditional cures are abundant. Approximately 3%-28% of people infected with chikungunya virus will remain asymptomatic.

Minor prevalence in Bali and Indonesia

Sample: Blood

Dormancy period

Sample: Blood

Dormancy period

Avian influenza, also known as avian flu or bird flu, is a disease caused by the influenza A virus (IAV) which primarily affects birds but can sometimes affect mammals including humans. Rarely, humans can become infected by the avian flu if they are in close contact with infected birds. Influenza A virus, that has been modified with mRNA, can infect humans. Many people remain asymptomatic.

Rare outbreaks in Bali and Indonesia

Sample: Blood

Dormancy period

Naturally-occurring spike proteins are normally produced by the body. The artificial spike protein, as contained in CV-19 inoculations, is known to be highly toxic – generally affecting any weakened function in the body. Also consider combing with the D-Dimer blood clotting test.

High prevalence in Bali and Indonesia

Sample: blood