It’s important to remember that bacteria are always present in all areas of the body, and vital to proper function. Bacterium will mutate from so-called good concentrations or balance, to more aggressive concentrations when the body needs to fight off pathogens. Good bacteria can become bad or offensive. Bad bacteria can become benevolent, as the body creates the right balance to custom heal a particular pathogen imbalance.
Bacteria surround and consume pathogens. Along with fever, they can bake-out invading disease.
Gram positive, differentiated bacteria strings.
Non-differentiated, Gram positive intracellular bacteria.
Gram positive non-differentiated intracellular bacteria, with differentiated rod-like bacterium.
From a critically ill patient presenting a staphylococcus capitis and other bacterial infections.
It is not important to identify the type of bacteria, other than by category, such as differentiated, non-differentiated, spirochete.
You can further identify if gram negative or gram positive.
Strong differentiated bacteria consuming neutrophils and red cells. Two cells above are not yet affected.
May be the result of antibiotics use that has weakened immune function and / or caused mutation in bacteria.
String bacteria, that could easily be mistaken for a parasitic worm. Bacteria usually shows green in color. Can be compared to mucous strings from lungs.
Atmospheric carbon crystal, not from blood.
A large and sticky, nondifferentiated bacteria colony. Adjacent neutrophils are only semi active, are ready, but not attacking the bacteria. Perhaps antibiotic resistance is at play.
A few un-activated platelets are surrounding.
Non-stained, differentiated bacteria colony. Notice the green color, typical of bacteria, but to a lesser extent fungus will appear as a less saturated green color.
Toxic carbon + other mineral crystal.
Immune compromised person, was recently CV-19 inoculated. Other slides from this patient also displayed large amounts of graphene.
2 types of differentiated and nondifferentiated bacteria, with inactive monocytes and overwhelmed neutrophils.
Monocytes overwhelmed but working.
Bacteria being dispersed by graphene oxide which is forming patterns. Also a small graphene block. A white cell remnants is barely visible.
Same patient as the photo directly above.