Vita Silver
Antibiotic, anti-fungus, & anti-virus

Silver hydrosol is anti-bacteria, anti-fungus, anti-virus, anti-parasite.
Vita Silver IV Infusion is designed to help alleviate cold and flu symptoms in their earliest stages. Silver hydrosol is also known as nano or colloidal silver, and is anti-bacteria, anti-fungus, and anti-virus. With 3 grams of vitamin C, electrolytes, and magnesium, B vitamins and more, Vita Silver is proven an unbeatable remedy for a wide variety of low-grade ailments.
Aboard the International Space Station (the ISS), the only anti-pathogenic allowed is silver hydrosol. This is because the ISS water supply is 100% recycled, and there can be no risk of modern pharmaceuticals (or disease) contaminating others on board. It is also used to purify ISS water and air.
We have proven silver hydrosol highly effective for killing blood borne diseases, and those infecting the liver, kidneys, the genital tract, and the lymphatic system. Colds, flu, arthritis, and many other diseases are quickly remedied when appropriate amounts of silver hydrosol are combined with vitamin C, B complex, magnesium, nigella sativa (black cumin), and BSI medicinal oral compounds. BSI is the only clinic in Indonesia licensed to infuse silver.
- Anti-bacteria and antimicrobial
- Helps heals psoriasis and eczema
- Pink eye and ear infections
- Anti-virus, anti-fungus
- Anti-inflammatory
- Colds and flu
- Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
- Anti-cancer
- Inhibits Hepatitis B and C
Rp. 971.000
up to
Rp. 1.085.000
1- 40 grams of Vitamin C
Infusion Ingredients
- Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C, 1-3 grams / 1,000 – 3,000 mg (causes pathogens to produce hydrogen peroxide on a molecular level and burst)
- Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12
- Silver hydrosol (Doctor prescription required, included) (antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti-viral)
- Magnesium sulfate (relaxes and reduces inflammation)
- Ringer’s Lactate infusion medium (4 electrolytes salts)
Oral Supplements
- Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C (increases the effect of the infusion)
- Compound M2 (72+ types of colloidal trace minerals)
This infusion is designed for low-grade ailments only. If suffering from a more serious or longer-term illness or discomfort, may we suggest you consider The BSI Signature Holistic Health Reset & Detox. Direct intervention, with deep analysis by BSI medical professionals, may prove the better, long-term solution. If suffering from long-term kidney or urinary tract infection, please consult your doctor or BSI staff before proceeding with this therapy.
On very rare occasion, some people, when first receiving intravenous infusions, have experienced the so-called Herxheimer Effect, a result of infusions very efficiently neutralizing pathogens and occasionally stimulating immunities too fast for the body to dispose toxins through normal elimination channels. This forces the body to utilize the secondary eliminative organs: lungs, sinuses, skin, and more. Experiences that may feel like a slight cold or the flu, loose bowels, shivers, etc. The skin may eliminate stored toxins, perhaps producing minor, temporary skin eruptions – all part of elimination of toxins that cause premature aging and skin problems, and are considered beneficial reactions, in that the immune system has been activated, and is working to heal from pathogens and toxins.
Not-For-Profit BSI International Clinics. We’re on your side, here to help.