Medi Hangover Mild
For the treatment of mild hangover symptoms

Indications: Recommended for adult patients for the treatment of mild hangover symptoms, associated with dehydration and / or minor headache, due to excess alcohol consumption. Also beneficial in cases of severe dehydration due to surfing and other athletic events that have caused severe dehydration.
Symptoms: Minor tiredness, dehydration, hot urine, dark urine, headache, disorientation.
Prescription: Administered via IV Infusion, only after BSI Doctors or Nurse Practitioners have examined the patient and have determined effectiveness and dose.
Rp. 545.000
Infusion Ingredients
- 1 or 2 bottles of Ringer’s Lactate. Which includes: 500 ml of pure water, with 4 types of electrolyte salts; Calcium Chloride 2h20, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Lactate (like in sports drinks, gives energy and strengthens stamina).
- Jamu Jo No. 16 Mint Magic 250 ml, to sip during the infusion, to settle stomach, and freshen breath and mood.
Actions: Faster acting when given by IV, thus allowing rapid replenishment of salt and fluids in prevention of alcohol toxicity due to the effects of dehydration and excess alcohol poisoning.
Cautions: In the event of more severe symptoms, such as vomiting, disorientation, alcohol poisoning, consider the Medi Hangover Severe Symptoms Infusion set. Do not take with Vitamin C, other vitamins, or BSI Vita-IV infusions during the IV session.