Optional Additional

STD Testing Package

Rp. 5.900.000

STD Testing Package

All diseases below tend to be sexually transmitted.

Full Testing Includes:
(All tests are optional – except prescribe by the BSI Practitioner)

  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis
  • Herpes Simplex Virus I (HSV-1 IgG – IgM)
  • Herpes Simplex Virus II (HSV-2 IgG – IgM)
  • HIV I & II Rapid Test and / or ELISA
  • Trichomonas
  • Candida
  • Other Unspecified Fungal Diseases
  • Mobilincus
  • Gardnerella
  • Staphylococcus (non-beneficial strains)
  • Non-beneficial Bacterial Strains: Extracell, Intracell, Intercell
  • Clue Cell
  • Pregnancy test (Optional and additional fee)
  • Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E
  • Female vaginal swab
  • Male penile swab

Chlamydia & Gonorrhea are similar and both extremely common. Almost 75% of female infections and 50% of male infections do not have symptoms. STD testing

Syphilis. False positive results may occur due to systemic lupus, leprosy, brucellosis, atypical pneumonia, typhus, yaws, pinta, or pregnancy.

Herpes Simplex Virus I (HSV-1 IgG – IgM) is more commonly associated with the mouth. Specific typing is not usually required for diagnosis or treatment. The herpes simplex virus is transmitted by direct contact with a sore or the body fluid of an infected individual.

Herpes Simplex Virus II (HSV-2 IgG – IgM) is more commonly associated with genital tract and neonatal infections. Specific typing is not usually required for diagnosis or treatment. The herpes simplex virus is transmitted by direct contact with a sore or the body fluid of an infected individual.

Trichomonas. Very common, caused by a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. Although symptoms of the disease vary, most people who have the parasite cannot tell they are infected.

Candida / Candidiasis. The official term for the yeast STD, is caused by a body out of balance, sexual transmission, or transmission through infected touch. In other words, it’s quite easy to get a genital yeast STD. This applies to both men and women.

Other Fungal / Yeast (unspecified) Diseases, which may include if observed; Chancroid, Donovanosis, Enteritis, Proctocolitis, Meningitis, Shigellosis. These fungal STDs are aquired through vaginal, oral, or anal sex. Even just touching can spread these infections to another person or to another site on one’s own body.

Mobilincus. Mobiluncus is an anaerobic, Gram-variable, curved bacillus, associated with bacterial vaginosis, also found in the bowel. Can be related to the use of the intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD). Mobiluncus tend to symbiotic with Gardnerella vaginalis, and some strains are antibiotic-resistant.

Gardnerella Vaginalis is the most common cause of bacterial vaginitis in the sexually active mature patient. Complaints may include a malodorous, non-irritating discharge, and gray-white secretions.

Staphylococcus (non-beneficial strains). S. aureus, or “staph”, is the same bacteria responsible for TSS, or Toxic Shock Syndrome, which is associated with the use of highly absorbent tampons. Antibiotic-resistant Staph strains are termed as MRSA. MRSA is primarily responsible for causing skin infections, pneumonia, soft tissues infections, and if left untreated can cause sepsis.

Non-beneficial Bacterial Strains. Extracell, Intracell, Intercell. Further identification of bacterial types, identifying if a bacteria is on the outside of a cell (Extracell) the inside of a cell (Intercell), or connecting cells together (Intracell).

Clue Cell. Vaginal epithelial cell, thickly coated with coccobacillary organisms. Clue cells are a hallmark of bacterial vaginosis.

Pregnancy test (Optional and additional fee)

Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E. Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. While we usually think of hepatitis A to E viruses, however anything that causes inflammation or damage to the liver can be considered as a form of hepatitis.

Specimen: Blood, urine, and vaginal swab or penile swab. The patient should not have urinated for at least one hour prior to specimen collection. Female patients should not cleanse the labial area prior to providing the specimen. Women should not be menstruating or recently finished menstruation for this test.

Fasting: No
Results: 2-3 business days
Also suggested:

  1. Hormone Panel
  2. Stool Analysis

Dormancy period

Sample: feces

Dormancy period

Sample: serum / plasma / whole blood

Dormancy period

Dengue fever is an illness you can get from the bite of a mosquito carrying one of four types of Dengue. Dengue isn’t contagious from person to person except when passed from a pregnant person to their child. Symptoms are usually mild with first infection, but repeated infections with a different version of dengue, the risk of severe complications increases. Dengue fever symptoms start to appear four to 10 days after a mosquito bite and can last three to seven days. About 1 in 20 people sick with dengue will develop severe dengue after their initial symptoms begin to fade. Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen. Some people remain asymptomatic but can still carry the parasite.

Moderate to high prevalence in Bali and Indonesia

Sample: Blood

Dormancy period

Cholera is a severe infection of the small intestine by some strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, transmitted through the ingestion of contaminated food or water. It takes between 12 hours and 5 days for a person to show symptoms. Cholera can cause very bad diarrhea and dehydration that can kill within hours if left untreated. Raw fish and foods area common source of this disease. Most of those infected have no or mild symptoms.

Minor prevalence in Bali and Indonesia

Sample: Feces from anal swab / cotton bud

Dormancy period

Chikungunya is a disease transmitted to humans by mosquitoes in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. You can’t get it from another person, but mosquitoes do get it from biting a person who is infected. Most people don’t die from it. Chikungunya fever typically lasts from five to seven days and frequently causes severe and often incapacitating joint pain which sometimes persists for much longer periods. There is no modern medicine treatment however traditional cures are abundant. Approximately 3%-28% of people infected with chikungunya virus will remain asymptomatic.

Minor prevalence in Bali and Indonesia

Sample: Blood

Dormancy period

Sample: Blood

Dormancy period

Avian influenza, also known as avian flu or bird flu, is a disease caused by the influenza A virus (IAV) which primarily affects birds but can sometimes affect mammals including humans. Rarely, humans can become infected by the avian flu if they are in close contact with infected birds. Influenza A virus, that has been modified with mRNA, can infect humans. Many people remain asymptomatic.

Rare outbreaks in Bali and Indonesia

Sample: Blood

Dormancy period

Naturally-occurring spike proteins are normally produced by the body. The artificial spike protein, as contained in CV-19 inoculations, is known to be highly toxic – generally affecting any weakened function in the body. Also consider combing with the D-Dimer blood clotting test.

High prevalence in Bali and Indonesia

Sample: blood